Please complete our Picnic Hill feedback survey 1. Have you ever been to Picnic Hill? Yes No 2. If yes, what was your involvement in Picnic Hill? Attendee Vendor Performer Staff Volunteer 3. Are you aware Picnic Hill is run by the Redcliffe Area Youth Space staff and young people from our Work Skills program? Yes No 4. How did you hear about Picnic Hill? Social Media Local Media Poster/flyer/signage Word of mouth Other ... please add details 5. What would you like to see more of at Picnic Hill? Musicians Artists Interactive games and activities (for all ages) Children's games and activities Competitions & Raffles Arts & Crafts Merchandise Food and drink options Other... ... please add details 6. Do you feel Picnic Hill caters for all ages? Yes No Comment: 7. How often would you like Picnic Hill to occur? 6 monthly Quarterly Yearly 8. Would you recommend Picnic Hill to friends and family? Yes No Comment: 9. Which age bracket are you? Under 18 years old 18 to 30 years old Over 30 years old 10. What things do you enjoy most about Picnic Hill? Performers Food Markets Vibe Sense of Community Supporting the Redcliffe Area Youth Space Other Comment: 11. We welcome your suggestions on how we can improve Picnic Hill 12. Do you consent to being contacted for follow up? Yes - Please provide your details below No Name First Name Last Name Email Phone (###) ### #### Thank you! Your feedback is valued!